


Some FAQ’s

The online Registration form is available on the school website. You can also download the registration form by visiting the school official website. The Shortlisted candidate for further process to be held as the schedule. Both the parents are required to come with the child and bring along all the testimonials for document verification.

The process of registration starts between August and September

The fee structure is uploaded on the school website. Click the link Fee Structure

Yes, the entrance exam for seeking admission starts from Class I onwards and for classes Pre-Nursery, Nursery and Prep only interactions

1. All the students who appeared for the admission test are required to appear for interaction as per the schedule.
2. Both the parents are required to come with the child for subject interviews followed by interaction with the principal, failing which the interaction will not be held.
3. The parents of the shortlisted candidates for all the classes are required to carry the results of the previous two classes on date of the Interaction.